Disclosure Statement

Please visit https://newpark.nz/disclosure/ for our FAP licence holder’s disclosure.    

Marg Mortgages Ltd FSP 772654

Our Business details

Marg Mortgages Ltd (FSP772654) is an authorised body under a licence issued to Newpark 2020 Limited (FSP768953) by  the FMA to provide financial advice services. Disclosure statement for our advisers will be provided to you at your initial appointment.

Our office contact details:

1 Rhone Avenue, Te Atatu Peninsula


Telephone : 0210 790 266

Email : geeta@margmortgages.co.nz

Website :www.margmortgages.co.nz

Nature and Scope of financial services

I will provide you with financial advice in relation to your home mortgage. I only provide financial advice about mortgages and home loans.

Our Services

· Mortgages

Products we can advise on

· Mortgages (Revolving credit, Offset accounts, Fixed, Floating loans)

Product providers we may recommend

– ASB Bank

– ANZ Bank

– BNZ Bank

– Westpac Bank

– Sovereign

– Avanti Finance

– ASAP Finance

– Bank of China

– Basecorp Finance

– Bluestone Mortgages

– China Construction Bank


– First Mortgage Trust

– General Finance

– Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

– NZ Credit Union Baywide

– Cressida Capital

– Funding Partners

– Heartland Bank

– Liberty Finance

– Lock Finance

– Plus Finance

– Prospa

– Resimac

– SBS Bank

– Southern Cross Partners

– Zip Finance

– Pepper Money

Our fees

The actual fee charged to you will depend on the nature and scope of the advice or service we provide. 

The following section outlines the types of fees that may apply:

For services in relation to loan products and insurance,

commissions may be paid by the product provider as follows:

Initial commission – a percentage of the value of your loan amount or insurance premiums,

Upfront commission: Upfront commission on mortgages ranges from 0.55% to 0.88%. This is a one-off fee.


Ongoing commission – a percentage of the value of your loan account balance or your insurance premiums, usually calculated at the end of each month in which you hold the loan amount.

Ongoing commission: Some financial institutions pay an ongoing commission which range from 0.15% PA to 0.25%

Other costs

Where other costs are incurred in the process of providing our advice and services to you, you will be liable for these costs. These costs may arise from incidentals such as travel costs and photocopying. However, we will agree all additional costs with you prior to incurring them.

Conflicts of interests (if any)

We are here for our clients and to advise you as best we can. Your interests are our priority although we do have business relationships with product providers also. From time to time our product providers assist us with funding so we can bring our advisers together for conferences and professional development training.

We manage these conflicts of interest by ensuring that we prioritise your interests above  our own. The advice we provide is based on understanding your goals and circumstances and providing recommendations which are based on research. I have a  Register of Conflict which allows me to actively manage any conflicts which arise.

Referral Fees: We reward our clients, who refer us business by way of Movie Vouchers, Restaurant Vouchers and Gift cards, when they refer their friends and family to us for their mortgage needs.

We may also receive referral commission from real estate agents, for introducing clients who wants to sell their homes.

Our Internal complaints process

If you have a problem, concern or complaint about any part of our advice or service, please tell us so that we can try to fix the problem. Our internal complaints manager is who can be reached via email at gopalan@creativemortgages.co.nz or 021 666 490. Gopal will reply to you within 10 working days.

Our internal complaints process is:

We will review the complaint and discuss with you how we will resolve this and obtain any additional information if required

We aim to resolve our complaints in a timely manner and will indicate to you the time this compliant for take to resolve.

We will communicate with you in the method you prefer – phone, email or written.

If we cannot resolve this complaint in a manner which is acceptable then you can contact our free independent dispute resolution service.

Our external complaints process

If we cannot agree on how to fix the issue, or if you decide not to use the internal complaints scheme, you can contact our external disputes resolution scheme – Financial Services Complaints Limited. This service will cost you nothing and will help us resolve any disagreements.

You can contact FSCL at:

Address: PO Box 5967 Wellington 

Telephone number: 0800 347 257

Email address: complaints@fscl.org.nz

Duties information

  1. I am bound by the duties of the Financial Markets Conduct Act to:
  2. Meet the standards of competence, knowledge and skill set out in the Code of Conduct
  3. Give priority to the clients’ interest and Exercise care, diligence and skill and meet the standards of ethical behaviour, conduct, and client care set out in the Code of Conduct.