Our Internal complaints process
If you have a problem, concern or complaint about any part of our advice or service, please tell us so that we can try to fix the problem. Our internal complaints manager is Sreenivasan Gopalan(Otherwise known as Gopal Sreenivasan or Gopalan Sreenivasan) who can be reached via email: gopalan@creativemortgages.co.nz or 021 666 490. Gopalan will reply to you within 5 working days.
Our internal complaints process is:
We will review the complaint and discuss with you how we will resolve this and obtain any additional information if required
We aim to resolve our complaints in a timely manner and will indicate to you the time this compliant for take to resolve.
We will communicate with you in the method you prefer – phone, email or written.
If we cannot resolve this complaint in a manner which is acceptable then you can contact our free independent dispute resolution service.
Our external complaints process
If we cannot agree on how to fix the issue, or if you decide not to use the internal complaints scheme, you can contact our external disputes resolution scheme – Financial Services Complaints Limited. This service will cost you nothing, and will help us resolve any disagreements.
You can contact FSCL:
In writing – PO Box 5967, Wellington 6145
By email – complaints @fscl.org.nz
By telephone – 0800 347 257